Myron Uhryn


Senior Financial Advisor

Phone: 780-392-9297
Image of Myron Uhryn, Senior Financial Advisor with ATB Wealth, on White background

Experienced. Trustworthy. Engaging

Myron Uhryn is a born-and-raised Albertan filling his cup by helping you gain confidence in your investments. He brings over 30 years of experience to Edmonton and the surrounding area with his MBA, Family Enterprise Advisor (FEA) and Certified Exit Planning Advisor (CEPA) certifications.

Helping family business owners succeed

Steeped in the complexities of wealth management, Myron is passionate about helping small to medium-sized Alberta business owners with business transitions, including succession planning, exit strategy planning and estate planning. As a family-focused entrepreneur, he understands the unique challenges involved in family businesses and is driven to help others find strengths, overcome obstacles and integrate business interests with family interests.

The big money is in sitting

A self-proclaimed life-long learner, Myron is constantly reading about business, economics and wealth to stay at the top of his game. One of his favourites is called Reminisces of a Stock Operator which is believed to be ghost written by a brilliant investor in the 1920 bull market. His best piece of advice? The big money is in the sitting—far too many investors are anxious and can’t handle much volatility. In his free time, Myron enjoys playing the piano, kiteboarding, snowboarding and surfing with his daughter.

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I’m always happy to help with your financial needs. Send me a message or contact me at my branch and I’ll get back to you within 24 business hours.

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Christoff Boshoff

Senior Financial Advisor

Edmonton The Grange



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