Financial factors in divorce

Learn from the expert, Lance Hiesinger

When you are in the process of divorce, there are many financial factors to be considered to ensure the best possible outcome. Learn more about some of these factors and a bit more about Lance, and why he is the right financial advisor to support you through and beyond this significant life event.
Documents with a lock on them

Protect yourself during divorce

Divorce can upend almost every aspect of your life. These six tips will help you protect your financial interest and wellbeing.

money being split between two people

Financial planning during divorce

Planning for  your financial future during your divorce isn’t easy, but it is worth it. This overview highlights some of the key considerations.

Checklist on a clipboard

How to prosper after divorce

You deserve to prosper after your divorce. These seven steps will make sure you do.

calendar with a date marked with an X

Why the date of separation matters

The date of separation is a reference point for several high-stakes parts of divorce proceedings. Learn how to set an accurate one and avoid manipulation.

Name tag saying hello my name is Lance

What my divorce taught me about work as a financial advisor

My name is Lance, and divorce changed my life. This is how experience shaped my career and how I help my clients today.

It is never too soon to get started

Get a clear understanding of how the division of assets will impact your financial future.