RRSP interest rates
All current ATB RRSP interest rates for Deposit Accounts, Fixed Rate Redeemable, Non-Redeemable Term Accounts and the Springboard GIC.
Retirement Savings Builder Account
Dollar amount | Rates |
All balances | 0.20% |
Retirement Savings Daily Interest Account (DI Series)
Dollar amount | Rates |
All balances | 0.20% |
Fixed rate non-redeemable short term accounts (ST series)
Days | Rates |
30 - 59 days | 2.00% |
60 - 89 days | 2.00% |
90 - 119 days | 2.25% |
120 - 149 days | 2.25% |
150 - 179 days | 2.25% |
180 - 269 days | 2.50% |
270 - 364 days | 2.50% |
Fixed rate non-redeemable term accounts (NR series)
Compounded annually | Rates |
1 year | 3.750% |
15 month | 3.600% |
2 year | 3.500% |
30 month | 3.525% |
3 year | 3.550% |
4 year | 3.100% |
5 year | 3.300% |
Paid semi-annually | Rates |
1 year | 3.500% |
15 month | 3.350% |
2 year | 3.250% |
30 month | 3.275% |
3 year | 3.300% |
4 year | 2.850% |
5 year | 3.050% |
Fixed rate redeemable term accounts (RE series)
Compounded annually | Rates |
1 year | 2.00% |
15 month | 2.00% |
2 year | 2.00% |
30 month | 2.00% |
3 year | 2.00% |
4 year | 2.00% |
5 year | 2.00% |
Paid semi-annually | Rates |
1 year | 1.985% |
15 month | 1.985% |
2 year | 1.985% |
30 month | 1.985% |
3 year | 1.985% |
4 year | 1.985% |
5 year | 1.985% |
Springboard GIC: 3 Year
Year | Rates |
Year 1 | 0.50% |
Year 2 | 0.75% |
Year 3 | 0.90% |
Blended interest rate | 0.72% |
Springboard GIC: 5 Year
Year | Rates |
Year 1 | 0.50% |
Year 2 | 0.75% |
Year 3 | 0.90% |
Year 4 | 1.00% |
Year 5 | 1.15% |
Blended interest rate | 0.86% |
TFSA interest rates
All the Tax Free Savings Account interest rates for the ATB Tax-Free Saver Account, the Non-Redeemable TFSA and the Redeemable Springboard TFSA GICs.
Tax-Free Saver Account
Dollar amount | Rates |
$0.00 - $4,999 | 0.50% |
$5,000 - $99,999 | 0.50% |
$100,000 and over | 0.50% |
Term | Rates |
1 year | 3.750% |
15 month | 3.600% |
2 year | 3.500% |
3 year | 3.550% |
4 year | 3.100% |
5 year | 3.300% |
Redeemable 1 year cashable TFSA GIC
Term | Rates |
Full term - Redeemable anytime | 3.00% |
Early redemption (90 days or greater) | 2.00% |
Early redemption (30 - 89 days) | 1.00% |
Early redemption (0 - 29 days) | 0.00% |
Redeemable 3 year Springboard GIC
Year | Rates |
Year 1 | 0.50% |
Year 2 | 0.75% |
Year 3 | 0.90% |
Blended interest rate | 0.72% |
Redeemable 5 year Springboard GIC
Year | Rates |
Year 1 | 0.50% |
Year 2 | 0.75% |
Year 3 | 0.90% |
Year 4 | 1.00% |
Year 5 | 1.15% |
Blended interest rate | 0.86% |
FHSA interest rates
Current interest rates for all of the First Home Savings Accounts.
First Home Savings Account Daily Interest Account
Dollar amount | Rates |
$0 - $4,999.99 | 0.80% |
$5,000 - $24,999.99 | 0.80% |
$25,000 and above | 0.80% |
First Home Savings Account GIC
Term | Rates |
1 year | 2.000% |
15 month | 2.000% |
18 month | 2.000% |
2 year | 2.500% |
3 year | 2.500% |
4 year | 2.500% |
5 year | 2.500% |
RRIF interest rates
All current ATB RRIF interest rates for Fixed Rate Non-Redeemable Accounts, Fixed Rate Redeemable Term Accounts, Cashable Accounts and general variable rate daily interest.
Cashable accounts (CS series)
Term | Rates |
1 year | 3.750% |
2 year | 3.500% |
3 year | 3.550% |
4 year | 3.100% |
5 year | 3.300% |
Fixed rate redeemable term accounts (RE series)
Term | Rates |
1 year | 1.985% |
15 month | 1.985% |
2 year | 1.985% |
30 month | 1.985% |
3 year | 1.985% |
4 year | 1.985% |
5 year | 1.985% |
Fixed rate non-redeemable term accounts (NR series)
Term | Rates |
1 year | 3.500% |
15 month | 3.350% |
2 year | 3.250% |
30 month | 3.275% |
3 year | 3.300% |
4 year | 2.850% |
5 year | 3.050% |
Fixed rate non-redeemable short term accounts (ST series)
Term | Rates |
30 - 59 days | 2.00% |
60 - 89 days | 2.00% |
90 - 119 days | 2.25% |
120 - 149 days | 2.25% |
150 - 179 days | 2.25% |
180 - 269 days | 2.50% |
270 - 364 days | 2.50% |
Variable rate daily interest
Dollar amount | Rates |
$0 - $1,000 | 0.20% |
$1,000 - $5,000 | 0.20% |
$5,000 - $10,000 | 0.20% |
$10,000 - $250,000 | 0.20% |
$250,000 and over | 0.20% |
RESP interest rates
All current ATB RESP interest rates for the Deposit Account, the Fixed Rate Non-Redeemable Term Account and the 3 or 5 year term Springboard RESP.
3 year Springboard RESP (SB series)
Year | Rates |
Year 1 | 0.50% |
Year 2 | 0.75% |
Year 3 | 0.90% |
Blended interest rate | 0.72% |
5 year Springboard RESP (SB series)
Year | Rates |
Year 1 | 0.50% |
Year 2 | 0.75% |
Year 3 | 0.90% |
Year 4 | 1.00% |
Year 5 | 1.15% |
Blended interest rate | 0.86% |
Fixed rate non-redeemable term accounts (NR series)
Term | Rates |
1 year | 3.750% |
2 year | 3.500% |
3 year | 3.550% |
4 year | 3.100% |
5 year | 3.300% |
Deposit Account
Details | Rates |
Daily Interest Savings Accounts (DI series) | 0.20% |
Rates are subject to change without notice.