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Share your feedback

We want to learn from our mistakes and successes. Let us know what’s working or what needs to change.

Hearing from you helps us get better at powering possibility for Albertans. So please, send your feedback our way—complaints, compliments and everything in between.

What to expect

If you submit a compliment, we will share your comments with the leadership of the team(s) involved.

If you submit a recommendation or suggestion, we will be sure to get your comments into the hands of the right team.

If you submit a complaint, you can expect to hear back from someone soon.You can find full details on how client complaints are escalated and resolved in our Client Feedback Policy (PDF).

If your need is immediate, call us at 1-844-392-9359 to connect with experienced team members that are here to support you in urgent situations.

Tell us what's on your mind

Do you have feedback about your client experience? Connect here with ATB’s Service Excellence team, or call 1-844-392-9359.