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Five quick home fixes for a quick sell

By ATB Financial 14 September 2018 2 min read

Invest a little time and money into your home and buyers will notice.

Scheduling your life around showings and open houses—especially if it means shuffling pets or kids around—can be stressful. But if you’re willing to think of your house as an investment and put a little time and money into it before you list, you improve your chances of selling faster and at a better price. Why? Because buyers notice homes that have been given TLC.


Here are a five simple ways to help your home outshine the competition.

  1. Slap on a fresh (neutral) coat.

    Paint is personal. It’s also one of the least expensive ways to make your house look sharp. Choose a soft, neutral colour and slap a coat or three over your periwinkle kitchen. Homebuyers will thank you. Better yet, they might make an offer.

  2. Replace or paint the front door.

    The first impression is the only impression that matters. An attractive front door will give your home instant curb appeal. Lay out a new welcome mat as a final touch.

  3. Update the lighting.

    The right light can make rooms look bigger and airier, especially if your house doesn’t get much natural light. Replace dull or dated fixtures with something more modern. Check your local home improvement store or scour the internet for second hand deals.

  4. Declutter and stage.

    Aim to reduce your things by 50 per cent. Put away personal photos, pack up your baseball memorabilia and neatly stack excess furniture in the garage. Clean out closets, bookcases, cabinets and the kitchen pantry—your home will look larger and tidier. If you’re breaking a sweat just reading this, think of it as pre-moving.

  5. Make it sparkle.

    Leave no surface unscrubbed. Wipe down baseboards, take a toothbrush to the grout and clean the windows inside and out. Or do your already-busy schedule a favour and hire a cleaner.


With a little time and money, you can transform your house into someone else’s dream home—or even into your own.

Are your new kitchen pendant lights and clean cupboards making your heart flutter? That’s great news. We can help you continue to transform your current home with a ​Home Equity Line of Credit.

Eager to start looking for a new pad now that your old place is spruced up and ready to sell? Great! When you’re ready, we can help you choose the ​mortgage​ that works for you. We’re all about helping you find the best option. Whether you sell or stay, ATB is here to listen and happy to help.

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