
Community & Social Development

Person working at Village Gardener harvest

Who does ATB sponsor when it comes to Community & Social Development? This page is filled with some of our favourite examples from across the province. If you’re looking to apply for a Community & Social Development sponsorship, the first step is to read the guidelines.

Are you eligible for a sponsorship?

Carefully read our guidelines before going through the application process. It could save you a lot of time and effort!

Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations

ATB’s support of CCVO is one of our newest partnerships. CCVO provides Calgary’s (and Alberta’s) nonprofit sector with invaluable support, resources, and thought leadership. ATB supports CCVO’s monthly Nonprofits @ 2:00 webinars, which focus on a variety of topics impacting the nonprofit sector.

Village Gardener by Village Brewery

Each September, ATB joins Village Brewery and several Calgary gardeners for a community hop harvest—a program that promotes community gardens and locally minded food production. ATB’s support provides free hops rhizomes to the community gardens, and the fruits (well, hops) of local gardeners' hard work are used to create a limited edition beer that sells out fast every year!

Need help?

Our Client Care team will be happy to assist.