Capital Solutions

Project Finance

ATB draws on 80 years of project financing experience to help projects—and communities—succeed.

ATB's dedicated project financing team provides the close support and expertise our clients need to find a deal that works for everyone.

The team has a broad range of proven experience, from public-private partnerships (P3s) to major energy and power transmission projects.

Our cumulative experience exceeds 80 years. Working together, we've helped over 50 projects move from idea to reality. 

The impact of these deals runs from one end of Alberta to another. Just as important, so do the team's network of longstanding relationships. 

Our team's core competencies include:

  • Power and midstream energy - including transmission, generation and renewables
  • P3s and infrastructure - where we partner with governments and the private sector to build success
  • Financial advice - by which we provide expert insight on all aspects of project finance
  • Structured deposit notes - to ensure our clients can manage cash flows efficiently

But no matter what the job or where it's located, our team brings the same combination of deep expertise and responsive local presence to each project.

Connect with an expert.

Ready to start the conversation about financing your next project? We're listening.

Proven services from proven specialists

Need help?

Our ATB Business Solutions team will be happy to assist.