indicatorMarkets and Economy

From re-opening to re-building: Alberta’s economy 2022

By ATB Financial 19 November 2021 less than a minute


As we move toward the end of the year, it's time to take stock of our economy. Albertans are keen to re-open the economy and get back to normal, but the pandemic is not yet behind us. Many companies are hampered with labour shortages, weak consumer demand and the delta variant posing significant uncertainty.

Re-opening is the easy part. Re-building will take more intent and imagination. What can we do better? How can we use the crisis to address labour market inequities? And how will the pandemic permanently affect our notions of work?

In this presentation Todd Hirsch, vice president and chief economist at ATB, explores the pitfalls and the possibilities of Alberta’s and Canada’s pandemic economy, and challenges us to not just re-open, but to re-build. At the end of a presentation, Rob Roach, deputy chief economist at ATB Financial moderates a Q&A period.

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