Paying & Receiving

Looking to make your transactions as seamless as possible? We can help because your business is our business.

Make and receive payments quickly and efficiently with banking solutions that maximize cash flow.

At the bank, at home or on the go, manage your payables and receivables with banking solutions that allow you to make the most of your time and money. Mobile, online, in-branch or Managed File Transfer (MFT) through Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), ATB provides the flexibility to make and receive payments in a secure, timely manner.

Make Payments

Pay - your way.

Pay your suppliers, your employees, your bills, your taxes and other everyday business expenses quickly, easily and securely.

​Receive Payments

Accept payments wherever you are, however you need.

Tap, click, swipe—collect payments quickly, easily and securely, whatever your customers' or suppliers' method.

Everything you need to know about making and receiving payments.

Your business makes and receives payments every day. But when was the last time you looked at your payment solutions to ensure they are efficient and secure? Our helpful guides, webinars and articles will help you evaluate your current payment methods and let you know what other options are available.

Need help?

Our Business Support team will be happy to assist.