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Social media experts share their top 5 tips for businesses

By ATB Financial 28 September 2018 2 min read

So, you know the basics of social media. Besides your personal accounts—where you can post about your kids or your dog—we’re betting you’ve tried your hand at some platforms for your business. But let’s be real—running social accounts can be hard to navigate, especially when you can’t just post cute dog pics.

Well, we’re here to help. We chatted with our resident social media gurus, Adam Rozenhart and Tyler Butler, to hear their top five tips on social media marketing for your business.


1. Some things to avoid

We’ve all seen social media gone bad (even worse than your grandma commenting on all your Facebook photos). Avoid these common mistakes when you use social for your business:

  • Using too many hashtags
  • Pushing for a hard sell right away
  • Posting repetitive product or service photos (it’s boring for you and your audience)


2. Try this ratio

If you’re stumped on what to post, here’s a handy ratio to get you started.

Out of 10 posts:

  • 7 should be your own original content
  • 2 should be curated
  • Only 1 should be a sales pitch


3. Be consistent

Pick a schedule—which platform you post on which day at what time—and stick to it. When you’re consistent in anything, that’s when you see results over time. Social media is no different. The biggest mistake you can make is falling off the grid. Even if you don’t feel like you have a ton of engagement, keep posting regularly to see the payoff.


4. Listen, listen, listen—then act

No one’s out there on social media looking to be sold to—they’re there to engage with their community. So take a listen to people who are in the community you want to reach. Find out what they love, what they need, and how you can serve them. Then build trust with them by providing value in those areas, but not through pushing products. Interact with them, and provide inspiring or helpful resources all shaped by what you know about them.


5. Handle comments with care

Stay on top of your social channels by being responsive. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t continue any kind of comment conversation more than one or two exchanges publicly. Invite them to continue the conversation privately, via DM or email to avoid causing a scene or comment overload.

Nothing wins people over than genuine apology. Be quick to apologize, and none of this “I’m sorry you’re offended” stuff. Keep it real—own what happened, and share what you’re doing to make sure that it doesn’t happen again.

If you’re looking for more business advice, you’re in luck. More helpful articles can be found here

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