Accounts & Services

​US Dollar Accounts

If you conduct business in US currency, take advantage of features tailored to your needs in our US Dollar Business Accounts.​

How a US Dollar Business Account can work for you.

Conduct business in US dollars

Conduct business in US funds, whether transacting with customers or vendors, or saving your extra cash.

Grow your US earnings

​Get expert advice on how to invest your extra business earnings in USD to make the most of your money.

​Find the right US dollar account for your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you're selling to US customers and being paid in USD, or if you purchase from suppliers in the US or who use USD, then it definitely makes sense for you to have a US dollar account for your business. This way, you're not paying for automatic currency conversion with every transaction. Instead, you're conducting business in one currency, saving you tons of money in the long run.

Need help?

Our Business Support team will be happy to assist.