indicatorCommunity initiatives and programs during COVID-19

#ATBGoodnessGrows Episode 1: What’s been growing

By ATB Financial 9 May 2020 4 min read

Our everyday lives may look different right now. What hasn’t changed is that Albertans know how to come together to spread kindness, connect and support one another in very creative ways.

We’re on a mission to celebrate and share those acts of goodness—big and small—made by Albertans for their communities. From uplifting art, to baking from the heart, to finding new ways to show our appreciation for one another, goodness grows in many forms.

Here are a few highlights from our launch of ways Albertans like you have been “growing good” with #ATBgoodnessgrows:

# of food banks receiving donations: 12

Now is harder than ever for the disadvantaged to get access to their next meal. We’re proud to share that donating time, money or groceries to local food banks was the most popular act of goodness we’ve seen through #ATBgoodnessgrows.

# of thermometers collected for families sheltering: 100

Debbie shared the great news that families in need of shelter and protection will now have access to an essential healthcare tool.

# of city blocks sprinted to return a lost cell phone: “several”

Kristopher was on a walk with his family when he saw a man carrying groceries while teaching his twins how to ride bikes. He told the man that he had a lot of respect for him, and continued his walk. When Kristopher found a cell phone on the ground further down the path, and the lock screen was a picture of the twins—he knew what he had to do. He sprinted “several city blocks” to find them and returned the phone...from a distance, of course.

“I am officially labeling myself out of shape,” Kristopher tweeted. “I’m so sore today. But worth it.”

# of neighbourhood garbage cleanups: 5

Barb and Kim committed to cleaning up the debris, spread by all-too-familiar Albertan wind storms, off their neighbours’ lawns. Janice picked up trash along the roadways and camping area at Stoney Lake. Ron got so annoyed by the garbage building up along a schoolyard fence in Camrose that he biked back later and left it spotless. Ryan took his dog for a walk to go clean up around the provincial park.

# of happy doggos and owners: no bank can count that high!

Erika took a creative approach to helping out her fellow dog owners and pups by leaving 36 new tennis balls at Sue Higgins Park in Calgary “so that my neighbours and their dogs could have a bit more fun today, too.”

We’ve also heard that people are walking dogs for those who are at risk and delivering dog treats around their neighbourhoods.

# of socially distanced Caribbean concerts: 1

There’s nothing like dancing, music and fresh air to give everyone the pick-me-up they need. Deb’s neighbourhood combined all of the above by hosting an outdoor Caribbean drum concert for everyone to enjoy from at least two metres apart. This creative act of kindness put a smile on our faces.

# of Tim Hortons treats delivered to essential workers: 49

Donna bought 15 Iced Capps, a 10-pack of Timbits, a dozen donuts and a dozen muffins to give to the Petro Canada and No Frills staff in Wainwright as a “thank you” to essential workers.

# of languages CERB benefits were translated into: 1

Yep, you read that right. An ATB team member made sure Oromo communities in Alberta and Canada understand the programs available to them by translating CERB benefits into her mother tongue, Afaan Oromo. She talked with over 50 families and has participated in virtual Q&A sessions with multiple groups.

# of baked goods delivered: 72

From the sounds of it, carb consumption in Alberta has gone through the roof, as freshly baked scones, scrunches, cookies, sourdough, banana bread and beer bread (yes, that’s a thing!) made their way around the province and onto doorsteps.

# of encouraging sidewalk chalk messages: 47 (and those are just the ones we could count!)

Nelson in St. Albert shared how his branch gave flowers away to their customers, and invited them to write messages back to the ATB staff with the sidewalk chalk provided. An ATB team member took her own set of chalk and left messages as she walked. As did Joy and her son, Liam.

# of smiles captured through porchtraits: hundreds!

For two Saturdays in a row, Malia went around Sundre and took free family portraits from a distance using her telephoto lens. What started as a creative exercise to stay sane ended up getting noticed by the local museum—which plans on using her photos for an exhibition next year—and coordinating with the local high school to get graduation photos done.

# of care packages for National Nurses Week: too many to count on one hand

Matt set a chain reaction of goodness. He asked for anyone to reach out to him to put together care packages for nurses during National Nurses Week, May 11-17. He ended up getting tons of donations from local companies like Rviita Energy Tea, Five 21 Roasters, and Righteous Gelato. As Matt puts it, goodness grows and grows!

# of donations made on someone's behalf: 3

We saw goodness being passed back and forth. Tyler recognized his colleagues, donating to Edmonton’s Food Bank in their names.

In response to Tyler’s donation, Jackie donated to the Edmonton Public Schools Foundation and their full-day kindergarten program.

# of local businesses supported: 15 (and counting)

Whether ATB team members shopped for themselves, or to gift a friend or stranger, tons of Alberta businesses have been supported by these acts of goodness.

# of acts of goodness remaining: that’s up to us

We’re excited to continue to share and inspire goodness in Alberta. How far we can take this is really up to us, and there’s something amazing about being a part of all this good...together. If you’re feeling inspired, share your own act of kindness using the hashtag #ATBgoodnessgrows, and visit us on social media (Instagram, Twitter and Facebook) to see what we’re up to this week.

Happy growing!

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