Whether you’re buying a home, investing in a property, renewing your mortgage or refinancing, ATB can help you find a solution that’s right for you.

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Unlock up to $6,000 in cash on select mortgages or our lowest rate on a 5-year ATB Rate First mortgage.

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Compare ATB Mortgages

Residential Mortgage

Enjoy added flexibility on a fixed or variable rate

Ability to skip payments
Early renewal
Up to 120 days
Max amortization
Up to 30 years1 for high ratio and 25 years for conventional mortgages
Minimum downpayment
High ratio mortgages2: 5-20%
Conventional mortgages: >20%
Payment options
Choose from monthly, semi-monthly, bi-weekly or weekly payments
Prepayment options
Pay down your mortgage faster: Make lump sum payments of up to 20% of the original mortgage amount per year at any time and increase regular payments by up to 20% per year at anytime
Rate guarantee
120 days
Terms and interest rate
6 months to 7 years, closed and variable rate options
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Rate First Residential Mortgage

Take advantage of our lowest rate on a 5-year fixed term

Ability to skip payments
Early renewal
Up to 120 days
Max amortization
25 years for high ratio and conventional mortgages
Minimum downpayment
High ratio mortgages2: 5-20%
Conventional mortgages: >20%
Payment options
Choose from monthly, semi-monthly, bi-weekly or weekly payments
Prepayment options
Pay down your mortgage faster: Make lump sum payments of up to 10% of the original mortgage amount per year at any time and increase regular payments by up to 10% per year at anytime
Rate guarantee
120 days
Terms and interest rate
5 years only, closed fixed-rate
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    Frequently asked mortgage questions

    How much you can afford depends on a number of factors including your income, expenses and debts. To get a better idea, our Mortgage Affordability Calculator gives an estimate of the maximum home price you may qualify for, so you can start your home buying journey with confidence.

    To get even more certainty, our online mortgage pre-approval provides the most accurate picture of what you can qualify for.

    With an ATB mortgage pre-approval, you’ll lock in your rate for 120 days. And if the interest rate is lower at the time of funding, you’re still guaranteed to receive the lower rate.

    ATB will make the process to switch your mortgage as simple as possible. You can connect with our team of experts virtually or in person. We will require a few documents to get started, such as a property tax assessment, current mortgage statement, and proof of income. Once we have these documents, leave the rest up to us! We will ensure your mortgage transfer goes smoothly every step of the way.

    Pre-qualification is the initial step before pre-approval. It gives you an estimate of how much you may be able to borrow, and how much you’ll need for your down payment and closing costs. During pre-qualification, your credit report isn’t reviewed and your financial details aren’t verified. Instead, a mortgage provider makes a rough estimate based on your financial snapshot—income, assets, and debts. Pre-qualification will also lock in a specific interest rate for 120 days.

    With a pre-approval, your credit report is reviewed and your financial details are verified to see how large of a mortgage you would qualify for and locks in a specific interest rate, provided your mortgage is fully advanced within 120 days. Negotiating your rate begins during pre-approval, so choosing your lender at this stage is important.

    When’s the best time to get pre-approved? Luckily, it’s an easy process. Fill out a form, verify your income, and you’ll typically get pre-approval within 24 hours.

    The difference between a high ratio and conventional mortgage lies in the down payment amount and the requirement for mortgage default insurance.

    A high ratio mortgage requires a down payment of less than 20% of the home's purchase price (between 5% and 19.99%). In Canada, it's mandatory to purchase mortgage default insurance for high ratio mortgages.

    A conventional mortgage requires a down payment of 20% or more of the home's purchase price. Mortgage default insurance is not mandatory for conventional mortgages.

    Mortgage resources

    Mortgage Affordability Calculator

    Calculate the home price you can afford using info like income, debt, monthly payments, and down payment.

    Mortgage Payment Calculator

    With this calculator for home buyers, you can input your potential mortgage details and we’ll share what your future mortgage payments may look like.

    Home Buying Advice Centre

    Getting the right insights and advice can take the uncertainty out of your home buying journey. If you have questions, we have answers.

    Online Mortgage Pre-Approval

    Start the process anywhere.

    Access our online pre-approval process from your smartphone, tablet or computer. No need to make a trip to the branch.

    Ready to get started with a mortgage at ATB?

    Whether you are interested in switching to ATB or want to learn more, fill out the form below to get connected with a mortgage expert.

    Need help?

    Our Client Care team will be happy to assist.