ATB Financial is committed to protecting the Personal Information of our clients and has prepared this Privacy Code to better serve you. You can view our Privacy Statement which outlines your acknowledgment of and consent to the ways ATB Financial​ will use your Personal Information.

We want you to know:

  • Why we collect your Personal Information
  • How we use and protect your Personal Information
  • The circumstances in which your Personal Information may be disclosed
  • How you may request access to your own Personal Information

ATB Financial will ensure you are aware why we collect and use your Personal Information, and who we may disclose that information to when you apply for a product or service. Most reasons for disclosing your information should be clear. However, if you have any questions, please ask us. If a new purpose for using your information (one that is not currently outlined in our Privacy Statement) develops, we will notify you, obtain your consent, and let you opt out before we use your Personal Information.

What is Personal Information?

"Personal Information" refers to any information that identifies you as an individual. It does not include business contact information used for business purposes.

What Personal Information do we collect?

The better we know you, the better we can help meet your financial needs. So we collect your Personal Information to either provide the product or service you have requested or to advise you of other products or services that may benefit you.

Personal Information that we collect, use, and disclose may include but is not limited to your name, address, date of birth, gender, personal references, employment records, unique identification numbers (including social insurance number, driver's licence, birth certificate, passport), and personal financial records, including your credit history.

Using and disclosing your Personal Information

ATB Financial will treat your Personal Information in accordance with our Privacy Statement and any written agreement between you and ATB Financial. To better help us conduct business with you, please ensure that all Personal Information you provide to us is true, accurate, and complete.

Transfer, exchange, and sharing of Personal Information

To serve you better with the products and services you request, ATB Financial may occasionally contract with third parties or agents within or outside Alberta or Canada. Personal Information held with a third party or agent in another province or country is subject to the laws of that jurisdiction and thus may be collected, used, or disclosed without your knowledge or consent where required or permitted by law.

Personal Information that we collect or disclose related to products and services offered through these other parties is managed carefully by contract and according to applicable privacy legislation and, where required, rules of regulatory authorities or self-regulatory bodies.

Limiting your Personal Information

Except where your relationship with us is governed by securities law, regulatory requirements, or agreement, you may choose not to provide ATB Financial with some or all of your Personal Information. In such cases, please know that not providing certain Personal Information may mean ATB Financial cannot offer you the products or services you have requested.

Marketing and other Personal Information use

ATB Financial may, in accordance with our Privacy Statement, use your Personal Information for marketing purposes that include but are not limited to communications, contests, and promoting products and services.

Withdrawing your consent

When we ask for your Personal Information, you may withdraw your consent or ask us not to use your Personal Information in the ways described under Marketing and other Personal Information use at any time, as long as the following are true:

  • ATB is not legally required to use your Personal Information
  • Withdrawing your consent does not result in our inability to fulfill your agreement with us

You may give ATB Financial notice to opt-out of marketing by one of these methods:

  • Calling the Client Care Centre at 1-800-332-8383
  • Contacting or visiting an ATB Financial branch directly

Please note that withdrawing your consent for marketing purposes will not prevent ATB Financial from sending you notices, directly or via a third party, that we believe help us serve your financial needs.

Keeping your Personal Information accurate

We are committed to maintaining the accuracy of your Personal Information. To help keep your Personal Information current and complete, we encourage you to notify us promptly of any changes to your name, address, telephone number, email address, or other information that will help us provide you with the best possible service.

If upon review of your Personal Information you discover any inaccuracies, please call our Client Care Centre at 1-800-332-8383 at your earliest convenience.

Accessing your Personal Information

If you wish to review, inquire about, or verify your own Personal Information, or find out to whom we may have disclosed it, please contact an ATB Financial branch directly or send your request in writing to our Privacy Officer. To enable us to determine what Personal Information you wish to access, ATB Financial may ask you to complete a form provided by our privacy office. ATB Financial is permitted by legislation to charge a reasonable fee for an access request. If a fee is to be charged, you will be provided with a fee estimate in advance.

Certain privacy legislation, including the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA), says ATB Financial may not be able to provide you with some of the Personal Information we hold or have held about you. Such situations include but are not limited to cases in which the information:

  • mentions other persons
  • is subject to solicitor-client privilege
  • is no longer retained by ATB Financial
  • cannot be disclosed for legal, enforcement, or investigative reasons

If we cannot give you access to such Personal Information, we will explain why.

Request to correct Personal Information

If you want us to correct your Personal Information please call our Client Care Centre at 1-800-332-8383 or visit the nearest ATB Financial Branch. In some situations, ATB Financial may ask you to put your request in writing or to complete a form provided by our privacy office. We will review your request and, where applicable, give you a copy of the corrected information or the reason why we could not correct it. We will also use our best efforts to notify third parties about any relevant corrections. If we do not agree to make the correction you requested, we will record your request along with an explanation of why we could not make the correction.

Complaint resolution process

ATB Financial has a complaint resolution process if you are concerned about the collection, use, and disclosure of your Personal Information. For more information, please contact an ATB Financial branch directly or read about our complaint resolution process.

Protecting your Personal Information

Our associates are responsible for keeping the Personal Information to which they have access private and confidential. Therefore, as a condition of employment, they are required to sign a code of conduct agreement, which defines their responsibility and governs their actions, even after we no longer employ them.

We keep our employees informed about our policies and procedures and provide training to reinforce privacy requirements associated with protecting Personal Information. We strive to ensure adequate physical, procedural, and electronic security for records containing Personal Information in order to prevent unauthorized access, use, disclosure, or destruction of your Personal Information.

ATB Financial audits its practices and employs safeguards and security measures to protect your Personal Information. These include but are not limited to using business resiliency and privacy impact assessments for new initiatives; restricting physical access to desks, cabinets, doors, and facilities; and ensuring the secure destruction of Personal Information no longer required by ATB Financial.

Passwords, encryption, and security levels that increase according to the sensitivity of the Personal Information are in place at ATB Financial to protect your Personal Information.

Visiting ATB Financial's website

When you visit ATB Financial's website, and move from page to page, our web server may collect information about how you accessed our website, including the pages you visited, what content you downloaded, and the site you visited immediately before coming to our site. This information is measured for general statistics and does not reveal your individual identity.

Small files containing specific bits of information that a website creates when you visit a site are known as cookies. Cookies can track how and when you visit a website, recognize you on later visits, and enhance your online experience. ATB Financial's Internet transaction services may not function if you do not accept the use of cookies.

Online Advertising

We may use third party cookies to serve ATB Financial advertisements on other websites. In serving our ads, third party companies may use cookies and commonly used technology to collect certain information about your visits (such as browser type, IP address, which page was visited, and time of day). No Personal Information is collected for our online advertising. Information collected is used to tailor promotions or special offers to you based on your interests.

We use Google AdWords and analytics remarketing to advertise ATB Financial across the Internet. AdWords remarketing will display relevant ads tailored to you based on what parts of our website you have viewed by placing a cookie on your machine. This allows us to tailor our marketing to better suit your needs and only display ads that are relevant to you.

How to Opt Out of Remarketing

Please refer to the Help instructions in your browser to learn more about cookies and how to manage their use. You may elect to refuse cookies. If you do not wish to participate in our Google AdWords remarketing, you can opt out by visiting Google’s Ads Preferences Manager. You can also opt out of personalized marketing on third party websites by visiting

See more about ATB Financial's online security.

Retaining your Personal Information

The length of time we retain your Personal Information varies depending on the nature of your relationship with us, and the type of product or service you have. We will keep your Personal Information for as long as it is required for the purposes described in the Privacy Statement, and to meet any and all legal, legislative, and regulatory requirements.

We have policies in place that govern the secure destruction of any Personal Information we hold and no longer require.

Amending our privacy policies

ATB Financial will review this Privacy Code and Privacy Statement regularly to ensure that we continue to meet our obligations to you. ATB Financial reserves the right to modify the Privacy Code and Privacy Statement when required. To meet our legal obligations, ATB Financial will inform you of any changes. To obtain the most current versions of these documents, visit at any time.

Our Privacy Commitment

We take our responsibility to respect and protect your Personal Information seriously.

If you have any questions about our Privacy Code, our Privacy Statement, or our privacy practices, or if you would like to review your Personal Information, please contact an ATB Financial branch, call our Client Care Centre at 1-800-332-8383, or write to ATB Financial's Privacy Officer at:

ATB Financial Privacy Officer
#2100, 10020 – 100 Street (Transit #115)
Edmonton, Alberta
T5J 0N3

Need help?

Our Client Care team will be happy to assist.